Hey! So I didn't talk about it in my previous post but there are several photography styles that I love. It really depends of my mood. I love taking abstract pictures and taking pictures of different models. Today I will show you a few of my favorite models. The first one is Tom, he actually is  a blogger, here is his blog :http://springishme.blogspot.hr/  . He is one of the most amazing guys I have ever met, he is very very sweet, has a great fashion style,  speaks great English and is an amazing model. Whatever you should really check his blog out! The second model is Nina,  she is the sister I never had, she is amazing, she is always there for me, she is really really pretty, and an awesome model! The third and last model is one of my best friends, her name is Martina,and again she is a great model and very pretty,  she thinks she isn't a good model but she is great once she get's comfortable. I am so thankful to have these people in my life because they know photography is my passion and by being my models they just make me get better at it!


Nina and Sauron

Nina and Sauron




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